Steaming for Weight loss

Weight loss is one of the top three reasons people convert their shower to a steam spa these days. It’s important to realize that even though steam therapy is an effective way to lose weight it can also pose health risks if a person does not get a full health checkup with their Doctor. The biggest risks can come from those who have circulatory related diseases, high inflammation or diabetes. Know that I am not a Doctor. 

Here are a few tips I have learned from helping clients lose extra weight through steam therapy over the last ten years. It’s important to remember that Steam therapy can be of great help but it by no means is a replacement or cheat for not making positive changes in one’s diet and lifestyle. Even the best steam generators on the market cannot give a person good results if they are drinking sodas all day eating fast food and eating late at night snacking.

It’s important to prepare for steam therapy sessions with supporting the elimination organs. This includes the liver, kidneys, colon, and lymphatic system. My partner provides a free hour of health coaching consultation to make sure a person who is real serious about getting weight loss results prepares properly and has a plan. This would include dietary and lifestyle changes and certain key supplements to take on a daily basis.

A person who has been over 20% body fat for over 10 years time, usually has a weak digestive tract, backed up lymphatic system, and over strained liver and so their bodies have accumulated a lot of toxins in their fat cells and so for their particular weight loss plan even with the most powerful steam generators it’s recommended to start off very gently and slowly the first couple weeks. This means using lower temperatures and shorter session times and more lymphatic exercises and more supplemental and dietary support. Usually if an overweight a person is chronically dehydrated and their cells are very hydrophobic fat loss will move at a slow crawl so addressing hydration is key. How can you tell if you are dehydrated? There are many ways and some of the common ways to tell are during warmer months they don’t usually break a sweat easily, although on the flip side sometimes those who are sweating profusely more than anyone else around them even if it’s not hot out are so hydrophobic it is a sign that the cells cannot effectively hold onto water. Also high blood pressure is directly linked to dehydration and low trace mineral levels inside the cells and outside the cells. 

Flooding the body with all the junk that came out of the opened fat cells (due to raising body temperature in the steam shower) can sometimes be like adding gasoline to a fire. For these individuals I strongly recommend they take specific supplements to support the process (ideally) to maximize their goals with minimum side effects. In fact I would provide them a free hour consultation with someone on my health team who can guide them on the step by step process.

I don’t mean to scare anyone away from steam therapy, it’s just that some people get so overly excited about steam therapy and don’t really take time to see where they are at health wise and get the proper coaching and guidelines to obtain the best healthiest outcome to their goals. Sometimes you have to go slow and methodical to get the fastest results. This is something your average Steam spa sales person doesn’t care about as their job is simply to sell everyone a steam generator. 

The second type of overweight person is someone who has been under 20% body fat index and does not have any signs of metabolic disorder or diabetes. They have a normal liver test and do not experience that much fatigue or pain during the day. They have a pretty clean diet and have regular bowel movements (two per day minimum). During the summer time it is pretty easy for them to break a sweat and they don’t sweat profusely.

For the latter person a more aggressive steam generator and program can be designed in order to gain rapid results. Ideally exercising and doing the lymphatic exercises I recommend on the Detoxification page are ideal and even necessary. 

Steam Generator Recommendations and the secret formula to rapid fat loss

For rapid weight loss just keep in mind that when first using the steam bath a person will usually lose 4-5 pounds the first couple days and that this weight loss is mostly water loss.

The secret to fat loss is raising the core body temperature before doing steam therapy as well as priming the lymphatic system and metabolism. I talk about on the detoxification page about using an Infrared Mat 30min-1 hour before the steam therapy session putting the mat at full blast. If you have the time doing a couple hours at a lower session is actually more effective. If anyone has more detailed questions on Infrared therapy just shoot me a question or call in.
Priming the lymphatic system is majorly important as well as hydrating effectively all day long…not just before the session. 

Some steam generators can burn nearly twice as many calories in 20-30 minutes than other brands and this all has to do with how dry the steam is and how much latent heat can be transferred from the vapor into the body. A person ideally wants the temperature at max but also being able to breathe easily and be comfortable is important so the dryness fraction must be high as well. Also using continuous steam mode on a few brands that have this capability makes for easier breathing at maximum temperatures. It also ensures that the temperature stays at its max the whole session time versus dipping. 

Some people are fooled when they get into a cheaper steam room and it feels hotter but really that is because the steam is too wet. Sure the vapor is heavier and feels hotter when it lands on the skin but if you check out the temperature it’s actually quite low compared to where it could be with a better quality generator. 

Let me use an example do you know that hot convection radiant heat blast that comes out of the oven when it is opened? This is what should greet a person when they open the steam shower door. They should feel like as they sit there the air is really hot but dryer. It’s like going into a desert climate like Arizona as another example versus Florida in the summer which is less hot but way more humid. 

People are constantly fooled thinking they are sweating profusely in a cheaper steam spa when really all that is major condensation of wetter steam on the surface of the skin.

Wetter steam actually cools the body down!! Why else would the body sweat to begin with!? I actually do a test at high level Spas where I go into a steam room with a high quality fully sleeved cotton t shirt on. I then time how long it takes to dampen the outer layer thoroughly. I also wear two additional t shirt layers beneath it so I do not get unclear results with any of my sweat mixing into the outer layer. In some steam rooms the outer shirt gets wet three times faster than others. That’s a lot of water that would be helping to cool the body down. That is the opposite of what we want for burning more calories in a shorter period of time. 

In a good steam room with just the right about of humidity percentage I can sweat within 3 minutes versus a super hot sauna where it takes me 10 minutes or longer. In general steam rooms are far more efficient than saunas when it comes to boosting metabolism. 

For other weight loss steam room tips give me a call or email. Fill out the Quiz first though so I can more effectively help you. 
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Read "Why Salt Steam". It Helps!
Dry Steam VS WET Steam Generators
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