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Steaming for Pain Relief and Relaxation

Being in pain without being able to get the relief that is needed is truly a difficult life challenge. If anyone is reading this page who has experienced chronic pain knows that there are many things out there that work for a little bit but either stop working or have side effects associated with usage.

Doctors and health practitioners are recommending steam therapy more than ever as an all natural way to get pain relief and relax. Being in pain reduces sleep quality greatly and this is why it’s recommended to do use the steam shower in the evenings. I usually have recommended to my clients that they also take some magnesium citrate as a supplement or rub magnesium oil on their body right after the steam session into the areas where the pain or stiffness is most acute.
Magnesium oil is truly incredible powerful stuff and absorbs way more effectively right after the pores are greatly opened due to the hot steam.

The most common mistake I see when people rush into buying any old steam generator is that they never assess what is the cause of their pain and type of inflammation response. This is important information to know because for some types of symptoms and conditions hotter dryer steam may actually increase pain. Sometimes a person needs much wetter warmer temperatures along with shorter session times. 

Alternatively sometimes people need to focus more on the session times itself and therefore should be getting a generator that produces very hot steam that is dry so they can do a quick 10 minutes. And sometimes the only way to tell is by actually trying different settings once the steam generator is installed. If this course of action is taken then it’s important to select the right brand that is versatile in its options of steam types. Knowing the specifications and any third party testing of them is key information.

Also what kinds of supportive routines that are done before a steam session and afterwards can be vital. Some types of pain and inflammation respond best to a freezing cold shower used every 5 minutes then returning to just the hot steam. This hot cold hydrotherapy protocol can produce incredible healing results.
If a person is building the spa and renovating the shower then for the person in pain, installing infrared panels behind the walls would be ideal (depends on types of walls you have). This also has the added benefit of superheating the water vapor to produce a better quality steam.

Doing lymphatic exercises before and after a steam session is also highly recommended as most individuals who have pain generally have build up of cellular toxins in the same areas the painful symptoms are arising. 

For those simply looking to relax and unwind consider taking my Quiz as there are many more numerous options available and will highly depend upon preferences.

Read "Why Salt Steam". It Helps!
Dry Steam VS WET Steam Generators
The Most important page on this site
How to choose between the 2 Types
Don't buy without reading this page.

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